Research in Dance and Physical Activity
[ Article ]
Research in Dance and Physical Education - Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.11-29
ISSN: 2586-1034 (Online)
Print publication date 31 Dec 2018
Received 31 Oct 2018 Reviewed 28 Nov 2018 Accepted 19 Dec 2018

The Goal of Olympism: Peace on the Korean Peninsula through Olympic

Chungmi Lee*
University of Tsukuba, Japan

Correspondence to: *


The purpose of this study is to investigate based on an analysis of the impact of Olympic and sports exchanges between the South and the North, considers the elements that influence sports exchanges, including the formation of joint teams and joint participation. To this end, role of Olympic Games and impact of the Olympic movement, as well as the threat to peace on the Korean Peninsula was analysed. This study examined the potential contribution and impact a unified South and North Korean team in the future Olympic Games could have on the significant momentum for the peaceful unification movement of the Korean peninsula. This study has concluded that one unified team jointly representing South and North Korea could be actualized, based on the preponderance of evidence provided in this paper and through the sustained inter-Koreas sport exchange program and other sport-based cooperative project. Also the impetus and contribution of the unified team of the two Koreas would create a significant bond of solidarity for Koreans, South and North, that would play a substantial role in the movement to repair the damage caused by their mutual isolation and to reconcile and unify the two Koreas, and the actualization of that long-sought goal of unification would be one of the greatest human endeavors to secure world peace and prosperity for all global citizens.


Olympism, Olympic movement, peace, unification, Korean peninsula, sport exchange


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