Research in Dance and Physical Activity
[ Article ]
Research in Dance and Physical Activity - Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.99-117
ISSN: 2951-4770 (Online)
Print publication date 31 Aug 2023
Received 11 Jun 2023 Revised 25 Jul 2023 Accepted 13 Aug 2023

Is Convergent Sports Coaching Possible? Conversation on Entanglement in New Materialism

Jinhee Kim*
Andong National University, Republic of Korea, Professor

Correspondence to: *Email address:


This study is an attempt to understand the theory of new materialism based on the coexistence of humans and machines to discuss the possibility of convergent sports coaching. The participants in the study were five coaches who participated in a non-face-to-face convergence training course. Data were collected through interviews, and content analysis was conducted. As a result of the study, coaches recognize the entanglement with machines in non-face-to-face education as a subjective factor in learning, leading them to reflect on the connection between humans and machines. The coaches have observed cooperation between people and machines through data production, and the cooperative response that stimulated the machine to continue learning about the coach appeared spontaneously. Based on its findings, the study proposed to revitalize research on the patterns of human entanglement with inhumane factors, including machines, in the field of sports coaching.


posthuman, convergent coaching, entanglement, relationality, new materialism


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