Research in Dance and Physical Activity
- • 간행물구분 : 연속간행물
- • KCI등재
- • 발행기관명 : 상명대학교 글로벌문화예술교육연구소
- • pISSN : 2951-5904
- • eISSN : 2951-4770
- • 투고 마감일 : 매년 1/31, 5/31, 9/30
- • 논문 발간일 : 매년 4/30, 8/31, 12/31
Current Issue
Research on the Direction of Re-education for Instructors for the Convergence of Dance and Technology
Analysis of the Physical Activity Enhancement Attributes of Smartwatches Using the IPA Technique: A Comparative Analysis of Apple and Samsung Smartwatches
Investigating Customer Dissatisfaction with Golf Caddy Services in South Korea: Disruption in Hierarchy, Economic Incentives and Occupational Maturity
Development of a dance management curriculum: An exploratory study
Examining the Impact of Publicity and Event-sponsor Fit in eSport Sponsorship: A Moderated Mediation Analysis of Image Transfer Effect
The relationship between physical activity and depressive symptoms in Korean people with physical disabilities
The role of self-efficacy in shaping physical activity and mental health among middle-aged and older Asian immigrants in the United States