Research in Dance and Physical Activity

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Research in Dance and Physical Activity - Vol. 1 , No. 1

[ Article ]
Research in Dance and Physical Education - Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 13-28
ISSN: 2586-1034 (Online)
Print publication date 30 Jun 2017
Received 20 Apr 2017 Revised 24 May 2017 Accepted 12 Jun 2017

How to Reconceptualize Physical Education Teacher Education Curriculum for Successful Training toward Inclusion
Eun Hye Kwon*
Texas A&M University - San Antonio, USA

Correspondence to : *Assistant Professor Department of Counseling, Health and Kinesiology Texas A&M University - San Antonio,


Since the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was mandated in 1975, segregated special education programs were moved to more inclusive ones. According to National Center for Education Statistics (2016), there are over 6.5 million students with disabilities receive special education. 95% of those students with disabilities are taking special education services in the public school setting. However, studies showed that General Physical Education (GPE) teachers would not feel competent or prepared to include students with disabilities. Since most of PETE programs offer one Adapted Physical Education (APE) course, it is necessary to reconceptualize PETE curriculum for better preparation for inclusion. Infusion approach curriculum (DePauw and Goc Karp,1994) was proposed for successful training toward inclusion in PETE curriculum. Studies revealed that an infusion approach-based curriculum model could positively affect students’ attitudes toward individuals with disabilities (Barrette, Holland Fiorentino, & Kowalski, 1993; DePauw & Goc Karp, 1994). However, developing an infusion approach curriculum has several barriers, limited lecture hours, overload, and faculty supports. To successfully develop an infusion approach curriculum, blended learning can be one of the methods for successful implementation. This paper introduces the direction to infuse disability concept in PETE program applying blended learning.

Keywords: PETE Curriculum, Adapted Physical Education, Infusion approach-based curriculum, Blended learning

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